NEW PRODUCTS ADDED!!! Great News!!! We have new products added in several different categories!
First Up - We have MORE to Sale-a-Brate! New items have been added to the FREE products you can earn during Sale-a-Bration! You can see all the new items HERE
Next Up - Two new kits have been added to our Kits Collection - The So Much to Celebrate Kit and the Heirloom Arrangements Kit. They are absolutely GORGEOUS! See them HERE
Also - more items have been Added to the Last Chance Products HERE
But wait, there's more - New Online Exclusives are coming in March and they are stunning! Can't wait to get your hands on them? Demonstrators are allowed to preorder these goodies and with the Sale-A-Bration Join offer, how can you resist? If you become a Demonstrator during Sale-A-Bration you not only receive $125 in product (of your choice) PLUS either our Handmade Designs Cling Stamp Set and your choice of one Stampin' Write Marker assortment OR you can choose an extra $30 in products.
Why become a demonstrator? You get a discount on all products and are connected with an amazing network for fellow Demonstrators. Did you know you don't have to hold "parties" if you don't want? You can hold events/workshops or you can just join for the discount (quarterly minimums are required but if you love stamping like I do, you'll have no problems reaching those) Contact me for more information, I'd love for you to join me!